GlitzNow! Store
Procedural Kits

Ultimate Eyelash Extension Kit
The most complete Eyelash Extension Kit on the market! We guarantee that the GlitzNow! Kit is just as comparable as any of the more expensive extension kits on the market! Because we actually PERFORM eyelash extensions on a regular basis, we know what supplies are valuable and needed when purchasing a kit. You will find that our quality and quantity cannot be beat! In addition, GlitzNow! gives you .5 grams of lashes in each lash case..... more than double the amount that most companies offer!
1 Glitznow! Quickdry adhesive 10 ml
1 Glitznow! specially formulated bonding agent remover 15 ml
1 Glitznow! specially formulated cleanser 4 oz - EXCLUSIVE!
1 Case 7mm x 0.15mm polished J-curl Glitznow! lashes, Black
1 Case 8mm x 0.15mm polished J-curl Glitznow! lashes, Black
1 Case 9mm x 0.15mm polished J-curl Glitznow! lashes, Black
1 Case 10mm x 0.15mm polished J-curl Glitznow! lashes, Black
1 Case 11mm x 0.15mm polished J-curl Glitznow! lashes, Black
1 Case 12mm x 0.15mm polished J-curl Glitznow! lashes, Black
1 Case 13mm x 0.15mm polished J-curl Glitznow! lashes, Black
1 Glitznow! straight tweezers
1 Glitznow! curved tweezers
1 Glitznow! specially formulated volumizing mascara
1 Glitznow! specially formulated protective lash coating
100 superfine microfiber brushes
1 Jade stone
10 Aftercare Instruction Brochures
10 Tri-Fold Informational Brochures
10 Marketing Postcards
10 disposable mascara brushes
1 1/2" roll surgical grade paper tape
1 1" roll surgical grade clear tape
1 airblower
1 eyewash solution
1 professional makeup case for easy transportation
Cost $429 - Complete for over 300 procedures!

The Lash Perfecting Kit! - The Advanced Kit
Open to all Lash Enthusiast! A Jam-Packed kit of everything you need to be full service Lash Stylist Salon! Enroll in the GlitzNow! Lash Perfecting Advanced Class and take your services to a whole new level!
Requirement for our Lash Perfecting Advanced Class: GlitzNow! Eyelash Extension Basic Class, or equivalent class from an outside reputable eyelash extension company (proof of certification required) and enrollment in our Lash Perfecting Class. Call for details. Available only to licensed cosmetologist, estheticians, or other health professionals. Students please call for approval prior to registration.
Advanced Kit Available:
1 Case of Thin 9 mm Black Lashes
1 Case of Thin 11 mm Black Lashes
1 Case of Thin 13 mm Black Lashes
1 Case of Super Thick 11mm Black Lashes
1 Case of Super Thick 13mm Black Lashes
1 Case of Super Thick 15mm Black Lashes
5 Trays of Various Colors of Cluster Lashes
6 Colors of 5ss Lash Crystals
Glitznow! Perming Solution
Glitznow! Neutralizer
Glitznow! Perming Glue
16 Medium Perm Rollers
Saline solution
Cotton tip applicators
Glitznow! Cleanser 2 oz.
Glass Mixing Container
Box of lash separators
1/2" roll surgical paper tape
1 tube of tint - black
1 bottle of developer
Tint Brush
10 Mascara wands
10 Lash Lovers Club Brochures
10 Perm/Tint Brochures
1 Makeup Case
Cost: $299 - Complete for all procedures ($450 Value)!

Ultimate EyeBROW Kit
GlitzNow! is proud to be THE FIRST on the market to offer EyeBROW Extension Kits and Training!
This complete kits includes everything you need to create beautiful and lush brows! The GlitzNow! Kit contains enough supplies for OVER 300 clients!!!!
1 Glitznow! Quickdry adhesive 10 ml
1 Glitznow! specially formulated bonding agent remover 15 ml
1 Glitznow! specially formulated cleanser 4 oz. - EXCLUSIVE!!!
1 Black Case 8mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair
1 Black Case 10mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair
1 Dark Brown 8mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair
1 Dark Brown 10mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair
1 Light Brown 8mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair
1 Light Brown 10mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair
1 Glitznow! straight tweezers
1 Glitznow! curved tweezers
1 Glitznow! protective coating
1 Glitznow! professional aluminum case
100 superfine micro fiber brushes
1 Jade Stone 10 Aftercare instructions
10 Disposable mascara brushes
1 1/2" roll surgical grade paper tape
1 airblower
Cost: $399 - Complete for over 300 procedures!

Basic Eyelash Extension Refill Kit
Contains 4 cases of GlitzNow! Lashes, sizes 7mm, 9mm, 11mm, and 13mm
Quick Dry Glue
Adhesive Remover
Sold separately would cost over $255. Save over $75!
Cost: $179.00

Brow Add-On Kit
With a purchase of a GlitzNow! Eyelash Extension Kit, you can upgrade your kit to include Brow Extensions!
The GlitzNow! Brow Add On Kit includes the following:
1 Case 8 mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair Black
1 Case 8 mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair Dark Brown
1 Case 8 mm x 0.15mm Glitznow! brow hair Light Brown
1 Glitznow! adhesive
1 X-Type Tweezers
Sold separately would cost over $165. Your price - $99.00!